
hybrid_learning.experimentation.fuzzy_exp.fuzzy_exp_eval.recalc_formula_masks(conf, masks, additional_formulas, changed_constants=None, masks_dict_trafo=None, do_postfix=True, do_broadcast=True)[source]

Given a sacred experiment conf``ig, changes to constants, and predicate ``masks, calculate the values of the given additional_formulas.

  • mask_dict_trafo – transformation applied to the dictionary of torch tensor input masks before feeding them to the additional_formulas; defaults to the default one according to the experiment

  • changed_constants (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – mapping of constant key to new value

  • masks (Dict[str, Tensor]) –

  • additional_formulas (Dict[str, Merge]) –

  • masks_dict_trafo (Optional[Transform]) –

  • do_postfix (bool) –

  • do_broadcast (bool) –


dictionary of torch tensor masks from masks, and the newly calculated ones using the keys from additional_formulas

Return type

Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]]