

Helper functions for evaluation of standard concept embedding analysis experiments. Experiment results are assumed to have a folder structure of <root>/layers/<layer_id>/<timestamp>/<concept_name>. For details see the respective sample Sacred experiment scripts.



Layer IDs of pytorch AlexNet model in correct order.


Layer IDs of pytorch VGG16 model in correct order.


Layer IDs of pytorch Mask R-CNN model in correct order.


analysis_root(layer_id, concept_name, root)

Get the analysis root folder path for given root, layer_id, and concept_name.


Provide a nice display style of best_set_iou_display.

gather_stats([roots, root_templ, ...])

Gather dicts with all_stats, best_emb_stats, and merged_stats for different roots.

get_all_best_emb_stats(root, layers[, concepts])

Gather a DataFrame with the stats of all best embeddings.

get_all_stats(root, layers[, concepts])

Gather a DataFrame with the stats of all embedding runs.

get_best_emb(layer_id, root)

Best embedding for given layer.


Stats of the best embeddings of an analysis as DataFrame.

get_common_concepts(root[, layers])

Get all the concept names available for ALL layers in the given experiment root.

get_concepts(root[, layers])

Get all the concept names available for the given experiment root.


Embeddings of an analysis as series indexed by layer_id.

get_layers(root[, model_layers, verbose])

Return all available layers for the given analysis root.


Stats of an analysis run as DataFrame.


Get the saved visualization of the best embedding.


Highlight the maximum in a Series with red font color.

merge_to_overview(best_ious, all_stats[, ...])

Merge the stats from all runs and from the best embeddings to an overview over the test values of metric.

plot_best_iou_comparison(metric_mean_map, ...)

Provide a plot of metric values against layers for one concept and all settings in best_emb_ious.

plot_best_ious_wt_std(best_emb_ious, iou_stds)

Provide a plot of metric values against layers for all concepts in best_emb_ious.

plot_overview(best_set_iou_display[, ...])

Plot and save the output of merge_to_overview using plot_best_ious_wt_std.

plot_overview_for_concept(merged_stats_map, ...)

Plot and save the output of merge_to_overview using plot_best_ious_wt_std.