

Helper functions to evaluate fuzzy logic experiments. Includes functions for loading experiment results, post-processing them, and to do further evaluations.



Allow to get all output infos and potentially additionally calculated values for one sample.



Add some standard aliases and derived values to outputs of get_metrics.

auc_for(metrics_pd, model_key, logic_type, ...)

Collect area under curve of x-y-plots for the given experiment series.

formula_to_display_name(formula[, max_len])

Return a possibly shortened title version of the given formula string.

gather_aucs(metrics_pd[, other_by, ...])

Gather area under curve values for several formulas.

gather_exp_stats(conf, iterator[, thresh, ...])

Create a DataFrame summary of statistics of the masks created during a fuzzy logic experiment.


Gather and cache DataFrame containing experiment metric results.

get_caches(root, conf[, discard_non_existing])

Given root and config provide the cache arguments needed for load_orig_and_masks

get_exp_conf(sacred_logdir[, ...])

Get the sacred config dict for the experiment under sacred_logdir.

get_metrics(experiment_root, model_key, ...)

Given a sacred experiment_root, collect all experiment settings and results for the respective filters.

load_orig_and_masks(img_fn[, orig_size, ...])

Load the original image and masks at index image_id from configured cache directories.

recalc_formula_masks(conf, masks, ...[, ...])

Given a sacred experiment conf``ig, changes to constants, and predicate ``masks, calculate the values of the given additional_formulas.

summarize_exp_stats(df, conf[, verbose])

Gather mean, std, min, max for the experiment stats DataFrame into a summary DataFrame (with these columns).


Extract key properties from the formula string.


Turn formula in nice short string listing its attributes.

to_logic_dirs(experiment_root, model_key, split)

Get the sub-directories for logic experiments based on given information.