
hybrid_learning.datasets.base.add_gaussian_peak(mask_np, centroid, binary_radius, radius_value=0.5)[source]

Add a peak to the heatmap mask_np as a non-normalized gaussian at centroid. The standard deviation is calculated such that the value of the gaussian is radius_value at L2 distance of``binary_radius`` from the centroid. The gaussian is non-normalized, i.e. has maximum 1. For adding, each pixel is set to the maximum of the original value or the new gaussian. The value of a pixel is set to that of its center point, e.g. the pixel at index [0,0] in the image gets the value of the point (0.5, 0.5).

  • mask_np (ndarray) – numpy mask of shape (width, height)

  • centroid (Tuple[float, float]) – the center point of the peak in (x, y) in pixels

  • binary_radius (Union[float, int]) – the radius of the peak if binarized with a threshold of radius_value; is related to the standard deviation of the non-normalized gaussian via \(\sigma=\frac{r}{\sqrt{-2 \ln(\text{radius\_value})}}\)

  • radius_value (float) – the value the point at L2 distance of binary_radius from the peak centroid should have


copy of mask_np with new peak added

Return type
