
class hybrid_learning.datasets.base.DatasetSplit(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Types of dataset splits.

Public Data Attributes:


The validation set for quality checks/early stopping during training.


The training set (not for testing or validation).


The test set for testing after finished training.


The combined training and validation set.


Combination of all training, validation, and test set.

Inherited from : py: class:Enum

Special Methods:


Nice representation.


Inherited from : py: class:Enum


Nice representation.


Return str(self).


Returns all members and all public methods


Returns format using actual value type unless __str__ has been overridden.


Return hash(self).


Helper for pickle.

ALL = 'all'

Combination of all training, validation, and test set.

TEST = 'test'

The test set for testing after finished training.

TRAIN = 'train'

The training set (not for testing or validation).

TRAIN_VAL = 'trainval'

The combined training and validation set.

VAL = 'val'

The validation set for quality checks/early stopping during training.