
class hybrid_learning.datasets.activations_handle.ActivationDatasetWrapper(dataset, act_map_gen=None, activations_root=None, device=None, **data_args)[source]

Bases: DatasetWrapper

Wrapper for image datasets that will generate and yield activation maps. Behaves like a sequence of tuples of

  • activation maps (original input transformed by

    generate_act_map) and

  • original ground truth (e.g. mask)

The wrapper can handle and hybrid_learning.datasets.base.BaseDataset instances.


  • Option to enable efficient file caching of the generated activation maps in order to avoid costly re-evaluations. See act_maps_cache.

  • Convenience functions for caching: existence checks and cache filling with progress bar.

  • Replacement of the activation generator by the cache, i.e. no act_map_gen must be provided if activation maps for all indices are cached (make sure to not clear the cache then though).

Activation map caching is enabled by setting activations_root and disabled by setting activations_root to None. To fill the cache i.e. generate all activation maps, call fill_cache(). But be aware that this can be very time consuming depending on the generator.

Public Data Attributes:


The activations root of the file cache if caching is enable.

Inherited from : py: class:DatasetWrapper


The wrapped dataset.

Inherited from : py: class:BaseDataset


Settings of the instance.

Public Methods:


Get activation map and original ground truth for item at index i.


Return the path to the activation map file in the cache.


Check whether the activation map at index i is cached.


Load the image/original input for index i.

fill_cache([force_rebuild, show_progress_bar])

Generate activation maps for all images.

Inherited from : py: class:DatasetWrapper


Get activation map and original ground truth for item at index i.


Wrap descriptor method of wrapped dataset.

Inherited from : py: class:BaseDataset


Get activation map and original ground truth for item at index i.


Wrap descriptor method of wrapped dataset.

Special Methods:

__init__(dataset[, act_map_gen, ...])


Inherited from : py: class:DatasetWrapper

__init__(dataset[, act_map_gen, ...])



Length determined by the length of the wrapped dataset.

Inherited from : py: class:BaseDataset

__init__(dataset[, act_map_gen, ...])



Length determined by the length of the wrapped dataset.


Get item from idx in dataset with transformations applied.


Nice printing function.

Inherited from : py: class:Dataset


Get item from idx in dataset with transformations applied.


__init__(dataset, act_map_gen=None, activations_root=None, device=None, **data_args)[source]


The base settings (dataset root, split) default to those of the wrapped dataset.

  • dataset (BaseDataset) – Dataset to wrap; must be a sequence of tuples of (image, ground_truth) with both image and ground-truth of type torch.Tensor; the default transformation assumes that the ground truth are masks (same sized images)

  • act_map_gen (Optional[Module]) – torch module that accepts as input a batch of images and returns the activation maps to yield

  • activations_root (Optional[str]) – root directory under which to store and find the activation maps if file caching shall be enabled

  • device (Optional[Union[str, device]]) – the device on which to run act_map_gen; see hybrid_learning.datasets.transforms.image_transforms.ToActMap


Check whether the activation map at index i is cached.


i (int) – index in dataset for which to check whether an activation map was created.

Return type



Return the path to the activation map file in the cache. The base directory is activations_root. The basename is determined by the act_maps_cache from the descriptor() for the index i.


i (int) – index of the image to get activation map for.


(relative or absolute) path to the activation map for datum at index i

Return type


fill_cache(force_rebuild=False, show_progress_bar=True, **kwargs)[source]

Generate activation maps for all images.

  • force_rebuild (bool) – whether to overwrite existing images or not

  • show_progress_bar (bool) – whether to show the progress using tqdm.tqdm

  • kwargs – further arguments to the progress bar

Return type



Get activation map and original ground truth for item at index i.

Used for __getitem__(). If the activation map does not exist and a generator is given in generate_act_map, generate and save the activation map.


tuple of the loaded or generated activation map and the target of the original dataset for that act map


i (int) –

Return type

Tuple[Tensor, Any]


Load the image/original input for index i.


i (int) –

Return type


__parameters__ = ()
act_maps_cache: PTCache

File cache for caching activations. Set to None in case the activations root is set to False during init.

property activations_root: Optional[str]

The activations root of the file cache if caching is enable. Enable caching by setting this to a file path, disable caching by setting this attribute to None.

generate_act_map: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]

Transformation that returns an activation map given a valid input datum. Input data is assumed to origin from the original dataset. Used to generate missing activation maps in getitem().