Loss and metric functions and classes that can be calculated per batch.
A good overview and collection can be found e.g. here: (the contained code samples are quite instructive but in tensorflow, thus not used here).
General functions for intersection over union like calculation on binarized in- and output. |
Shared settings for intersection over union based losses. |
Common properties of IoU calculation. |
Balanced binary cross entropy loss. |
Balanced version of the penalty reduced focal loss from CenterNet. |
Aggregation types to reduce the 0th (meaning the batch) dimension of a tensor. |
Calc sample-wise intersection over union (IoU) values output batch. |
Loss and associated data for a standard Mask R-CNN model. |
Simplified intersection over union as loss. |
Calc Tversky loss (balanced Dice loss) for given outputs amd targets. |
Weighted sum of loss results. |