
The BrodenHandle is a handle for datasets following the format of the Broad and Densely Labeled Dataset (Broden) dataset introduced in this paper.


The original Broden dataset is not mandatory for usage of the provided handle. Any dataset following the format of the Broden dataset is supported.

The source code for downloading the original Broden dataset including the dataset specification can be found here (no code was used from this repository).

The handle’s init options allow for

  • shuffling,

  • length restriction,

  • pruning of ``NaN`` entries, and

  • restriction to one of the original Broden splits.

Further dataset customizations are described below.

The item format of the dataset is (before application of any transformation) a tuple of the Broden input image and a dictionary {label_name: annotation} containing the annotations for all specified labels.

Pruning and Balancing

Further pruning, e.g. of empty labels/masks, can be achieved using prune() with a custom pruning condition (a function on the dataset outputs with boolean output). A simple condition for large persons would be:

>>> condition = (lambda d: d["person"] is None  # person annotation exists
...                        or d["person"].sum()/d["person"].numel() < 0.1)

Balancing e.g. of (custom) classification labels can be automated using balance(). This accepts a condition for being in the positive class, and a proportion of positive samples that should be in the final dataset. Then either positive or negative samples are pruned until the desired ratio is achieved as best as possible. A condition to define samples labeled as striped as positive is

>>> condition = lambda d: d["striped"]==True

Boolean Label Combinations

The Broden dataset has some drawbacks which may—depending on the use-case—require Merge transformations of several labels (all of union, intersection, and inversion may be needed):

  • One part label may belong to different super-objects labels, e.g. all of person, cat, train have a head, and both person and chair feature an arm.

  • Part-hierarchy only has one level. Since part labels may not overlap, sub-parts are excluded from parent-parts where available. E.g. for Pascal-Part, heads are segmented excluding any nose, eye, ear. However, depending on the underlying part-dataset (ADE or Pascal-Part), different sub-parts are available, thus ADE does not cut out the nose from a head.

Boolean combinations of the labels to overcome above specialties, can be achieved by BooleanLogic operations. This is eased by using the custom_label() generator function, which accepts such a Merge transformation and returns a dataset instance with the required labels and transformation. The ground truth output of this dataset then is only the custom label, no dict any more (mind this for defining further pruning rules). More precisely one can automate

  • label selection (from a given transformation),

  • transforms definition for the dataset to get one combined label output,

  • pruning,

  • balancing of the one label.

An example label spec for persons in crop gardens would be

>>> from hybrid_learning.fuzzy_logic.tnorm_connectives.boolean import AND, OR
>>> label_spec = AND('person', OR('vegetable_garden-s', 'herb_garden-s'))

For further details on how to specify logical mask combinations of labels see Fuzzy Logic Operations.