
class hybrid_learning.fuzzy_logic.predicates.custom_ops.BestIoUWith(*in_keys, batch_dims=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: AbstractFuzzyIntersect

Given two stacked sets of masks masks_a and masks_b, calculate for each mask in masks_a the best IoU with any mask in masks_b. Precisely, all entries in masks_a and masks_b are compared via IoU by varying over all dimensions except for mask_dims and batch_dims. The returned result is the stacked best IoUs, one for each mask in masks_a. The input masks are assumed to have the same dimensionality in the mask_dims. The output mask will have the same size as masks_a only with mask_dims squeezed.

Consider mask_a.size()==[batch, stack_a, h, w] and mask_b.size()==[batch, stack_b, h, w]. The settings mask_dim = (-2, -1) (h and w) and batch_dim = (0,) then mean:

  • The output will have size [batch, stack_a].

  • The entry at index [batch_idx, s_a] is the maximum of IoUs between the mask masks_a[batch_idx, s_a] and mask masks_b[batch_idx, s_b] for any value s_b in \range(stack_b).

Public Data Attributes:


The string symbol of this class (override for sub-classes).

Inherited from : py: class:AbstractFuzzyIntersect


The arity of the operation.


Settings to reproduce the instance.


Defaults used for settings.

Inherited from : py: class:Merge


The string symbol of this class (override for sub-classes).


The arity of the operation.


Whether instances are equivalent to ones with permuted in_keys.


Whether the instance is variadic.


Settings to reproduce the instance.


Defaults used for settings.


Name of the operation symbol suitable for filenames etc.


The input keys which are child operations.


All children operations in the flattened computational tree, sorted depth first.


The constant string keys in the input keys.


The list of keys used for this parent operation in original order (constants and children output keys).


All string input keys both of self and of all child operations.


Output keys of self and all child operations.

Inherited from : py: class:DictTransform


Settings to reproduce the instance.

Inherited from : py: class:Transform


The identity class or classes for composition / addition.


Settings to reproduce the instance.

Public Methods:

torch_operation(masks_a, masks_b)

Calculate for each mask in masks_a with those in masks_b at same non-stack dims.

Inherited from : py: class:AbstractFuzzyIntersect



torch_intersect_proportion(*masks[, iou, ...])

Calculate to what degree mask_a is covered by mask_b.

Inherited from : py: class:TorchOperation


Calculate the predicate output.

Inherited from : py: class:Merge

to_infix_notation([sort_key, ...])

Return an infix str encoding equal for differently sorted operations.


Alias for to_infix_notation().


Same as to_str() but using pretty operation names suitable for filenames etc.

to_repr([settings, defaults, sort_key, ...])

Return str representation which can be used to reproduce and compare the instance.


Return a new formula with all occurences of variables in replace_map replaced and else identical settings.


Apply the given function recursively to this and all children instances.

apply_to(annotations[, keep_keys])

Apply this operation to the annotations dict.


Return the result of operation on the values/items of a mapping or sequence of arbitrary length.


Calculate the predicate output.

Inherited from : py: class:DictTransform

apply_to(annotations[, keep_keys])

Apply this operation to the annotations dict.

Inherited from : py: class:Transform

apply_to(annotations[, keep_keys])

Apply this operation to the annotations dict.

Special Methods:

__init__(*in_keys[, batch_dims])


Inherited from : py: class:AbstractFuzzyIntersect

__init__(*in_keys[, batch_dims])


Inherited from : py: class:Merge

__init__(*in_keys[, batch_dims])



Return str(self).


Call to_repr() without sorting.


Two merge operations are considered equal, if their normalized representations coincide.


Return a deep copy of self using settings.

__call__(annotations[, keep_keys])

Call method modifying a given dictionary.

Inherited from : py: class:DictTransform

__call__(annotations[, keep_keys])

Call method modifying a given dictionary.

Inherited from : py: class:Transform


Call to_repr() without sorting.


Two merge operations are considered equal, if their normalized representations coincide.


Return a deep copy of self using settings.


Return a flat composition of self with other.


Return a flat composition of other and self.

__call__(annotations[, keep_keys])

Call method modifying a given dictionary.


batch_dims (Optional[Sequence[int]]) –

__init__(*in_keys, batch_dims=None, **kwargs)[source]


Hand over input keys either as str or as a Merge operation of str.

  • in_keys – sequence of either Merge operation instances or strings with placeholders for the input keys

  • out_key – key for the output of this operation; used to init out_key

  • overwrite – on call, whether to overwrite the value at out_key in the given dict if the key already exists; raise if key exists and overwrite is true; saved in overwrite.

  • replace_none – if not None, the value to replace any None values with; see replace_none

  • symb – override the SYMB for this instance

  • keep_keys – intermediate output keys to add to call output; see keep_keys

  • cache_duplicates – whether outputs of children with identical keys should be cached and reused; see cache_duplicates

  • _variadic – the preferred way to specify this argument is variadic_(); see there for details

  • batch_dims (Optional[Sequence[int]]) –

torch_operation(masks_a, masks_b)[source]

Calculate for each mask in masks_a with those in masks_b at same non-stack dims.

Return type


SYMB: str = 'BestIoUWith'

The string symbol of this class (override for sub-classes).

batch_dims: Sequence[int]

The dimensions to match of masks_a and masks_b before IoU comparison. Defaults to (0,) in case the masks have more than len(self.mask_dims)+1 dimensions, else defaults to (,).