class hybrid_learning.datasets.custom.fasseg.FASSEGHandle(dataset_root, annotations_root=None, part=None, part_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseDataset

Handle for FASSEG-like datasets.


The original FASSEG dataset is not required for this handle. Any dataset with a format following that of the FASSEG dataset is supported (folder structure, file types, color codes).

The FASSEG dataset can be found here:: https://github.com/massimomauro/FASSEG-repository

The required structure for supported datasets is very simple

Once a handle is instantiated, its __getitem__ yields tuples of input image and binary part segmentation mask (possibly transformed by hybrid_learning.datasets.base.BaseDataset.transforms). For details see getitem().

Public Data Attributes:


The string name of the part that is extracted from the masks.

Inherited from : py: class:BaseDataset


Settings of the instance.

Public Methods:


Load image and its mask at index i and select binary part mask.


Return the image file name for index i.


Provide the path to the image at index i.


Provide the path to the mask at index i.

Inherited from : py: class:BaseDataset


Load image and its mask at index i and select binary part mask.


Return the image file name for index i.

Special Methods:

__init__(dataset_root[, annotations_root, ...])



Number of data points in the dataset; to be implemented in subclasses.

Inherited from : py: class:BaseDataset

__init__(dataset_root[, annotations_root, ...])



Number of data points in the dataset; to be implemented in subclasses.


Get item from idx in dataset with transformations applied.


Nice printing function.

Inherited from : py: class:Dataset


Get item from idx in dataset with transformations applied.


__init__(dataset_root, annotations_root=None, part=None, part_name=None, **kwargs)[source]


  • dataset_root (str) – the directory under which to find the images;

  • annotations_root (Optional[str]) –

    the directory under which to find the segmentation masks; assumes as default that

    • dataset_root is path/split_RGB and

    • annotations_root is path/split_Labels

  • part (Optional[Union[FASSEGParts, Tuple[int, int, int]]]) – the FASSEGParts instance to use the color of or the color tuple

  • part_name (Optional[str]) – the string name of the part that is extracted; overridden by part.name if part features such an attribute

  • kwargs – parameters for BaseDataset


Number of data points in the dataset; to be implemented in subclasses.


Return the image file name for index i. This is unique throughout a FASSEG like dataset and can be used for e.g. image IDs for caching.


i (int) –

Return type



Load image and its mask at index i and select binary part mask.

Used for __getitem__(). The value of the return tuple (input_img, part_mask) are torch.Tensor representations of PIL.Image.Image image instances.


i (int) –

Return type

Tuple[Image, Image]


Provide the path to the image at index i.


Provide the path to the mask at index i.

__parameters__ = ()
annotations_root: str

Path to the annotations root folder under which to find the annotation files.

img_fns: List[str]

List of file names of images (and their annotations) handled by this instance. Images can be found in the dataset_root and annotations in annotations_root. These are used for getitem().


Part of the face and its color to select mask of.

property part_name: Optional[str]

The string name of the part that is extracted from the masks.