
class hybrid_learning.concepts.train_eval.callbacks.Callback(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: Mapping

A callback base class that eases implementing a custom callback handle.

A callback handle simply is a mapping of CallbackEvents to callback functions. One callback can define several pairs of event and callback function. A callback function is any function that can be called via callback_fun(**callback_context), where callback_context is a mapping of key-value pairs. The correct callback function for a given event and callback context can be called using run_callbacks().

To add a callback function to an implementation of this class, just implement it as method with the same name as the callback event’s value. Make sure to add a **_ catch-all argument to each defined callback function to allow ignoring unused key-value pairs from the callback context.

Public Methods:


Collect a list of all supported callback events.

Inherited from : py: class:Mapping



Collect a list of all supported callback events.



Special Methods:


Get the method for the specified event or a pass lambda.


Number of mapped events.


Iterate over mapped events.

Inherited from : py: class:Mapping


Get the method for the specified event or a pass lambda.



Return self==value.

Inherited from : py: class:Sized


Number of mapped events.

Inherited from : py: class:Iterable


Iterate over mapped events.

Inherited from : py: class:Container



Get the method for the specified event or a pass lambda.


event (CallbackEvents) –


Iterate over mapped events.


Number of mapped events.

static from_descriptor(desc)[source]

Given a descriptor, extract contained information.


desc (str) –

Return type

Dict[str, str]


Collect a list of all supported callback events.

Return type


static to_descriptor(log_prefix=None, run=None, epoch=None, batch=None)[source]

Merge logging information into file name descriptor. log_dir is prepended as path, the rest is merged with _.

Return type


__orig_bases__ = (typing.Mapping,)
__parameters__ = ()