

Concept model architectures and train eval handles for concept embedding analysis. The models defined here are assumed to accept activation map outputs of a main DNN as inputs. They can be attached to the main DNN using wrappers from the model_extension module.

The main model considered is ConceptDetectionModel2D, which is a single convolution (with options for better calibration). The following derivatives are pre-defined:

  • ConceptDetectionModel2D: The base concept model. Can be used for detection of concepts in an activation map region.

  • ConceptSegmentationModel2D: The base model with fixed kernel size of 1x1 for concept segmentation.

  • ConceptClassificationModel2D The base model but with a single output in the interval [0,1] (realized by setting the kernel size to the input size and turning padding off).



Model for concept classification, and its training and evaluation handle.


Model for concept detection, and its training and evaluation handle.


Model for concept segmentation, and corresponding training and evaluation handle.