Source code for hybrid_learning.fuzzy_logic.tnorm_connectives.boolean

#  Copyright (c) 2022 Continental Automotive GmbH
"""Boolean logic and connectives."""
import abc
import collections
from typing import List, Dict, Any

import numpy as np
import torch

from .fuzzy_common import _tens_to_bool, _array_to_bool
from ..logic_base import Logic as BaseLogic, stack_tensors, TorchOrNumpyOperation
from ..logic_base.connectives import AbstractAND, AbstractOR, AbstractNOT, AbstractIMPLIES, AbstractIMPLIEDBY

[docs]class BoolTorchOrNumpyOperation(TorchOrNumpyOperation, abc.ABC): """Base class for Boolean operations that threshold their inputs before operation."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *in_keys, bool_thresh: float = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*in_keys, **kwargs) self.bool_thresh: float = bool_thresh if bool_thresh is not None else 0.5 """Threshold in [0,1] to apply to masks for binarization before operation. Defaults to ``0.5``."""
@property def settings(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {**super().settings, 'bool_thresh': self.bool_thresh} @property def setting_defaults(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {**super().setting_defaults, 'bool_thresh': 0.5}
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def bool_numpy_operation(*inputs): """Numpy operation assuming Boolean values.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def bool_torch_operation(*inputs): """Torch operation assuming Boolean values.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def numpy_operation(self, *inputs: np.ndarray, bool_thresh: float = None) -> np.ndarray: """Threshold the ``inputs`` at ``bool_thresh`` and apply operation. Default for ``bool_thresh`` first is :py:attr:`bool_thresh` (if available), then 0.5.""" thresh = bool_thresh if bool_thresh is not None else getattr(self, 'bool_thresh', 0.5) inputs: List[np.ndarray] = _array_to_bool(*inputs, thresh=thresh) return self.bool_numpy_operation(*inputs)
[docs] def torch_operation(self, *inputs: torch.Tensor, bool_thresh: float = None): """AND on pytorch tensors.""" dtype = inputs[0].dtype thresh: float = bool_thresh if bool_thresh is not None else getattr(self, 'bool_thresh', 0.5) inputs: List[torch.BoolTensor] = _tens_to_bool(*inputs, thresh=thresh) return self.bool_torch_operation(*inputs).to(dtype)
[docs]class AND(AbstractAND, BoolTorchOrNumpyOperation): """Intersection/AND operation on binary masks and scalars. Store intersection of :py:attr:`~hybrid_learning.fuzzy_logic.logic_base.merge_operation.Merge.in_keys` masks as :py:attr:`~hybrid_learning.fuzzy_logic.logic_base.merge_operation.Merge.out_key`. AND with just one input key ``x`` is treated like ``x&&True``, i.e. identity."""
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_numpy_operation(*inputs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """AND on numpy-like vectors.""" return*inputs), axis=0)
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_torch_operation(*inputs: torch.Tensor): """AND on pytorch tensors.""" return*inputs), dim=0)
[docs]class OR(AbstractOR, BoolTorchOrNumpyOperation): """Union/OR operation on binary masks and scalars. Store union of :py:attr:`~hybrid_learning.fuzzy_logic.logic_base.merge_operation.Merge.in_keys` masks as :py:attr:`~hybrid_learning.fuzzy_logic.logic_base.merge_operation.Merge.out_key`. OR with just one input key ``x`` is treated like ``x||True``, i.e. identity."""
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_numpy_operation(*inputs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """OR on numpy-like vectors.""" return np.sum(np.broadcast_arrays(*inputs), axis=0) > 0
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_torch_operation(*inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """OR on torch tensors.""" return torch.clamp(torch.sum(stack_tensors(*inputs), dim=0), min=0, max=1)
[docs]class NOT(AbstractNOT, BoolTorchOrNumpyOperation): """Inversion/NOT operation on binary masks and scalars. Store inverted version of :py:attr:`~hybrid_learning.fuzzy_logic.logic_base.merge_operation.Merge.in_keys` as :py:attr:`~hybrid_learning.fuzzy_logic.logic_base.merge_operation.Merge.out_key`. Only accepts one input key."""
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_numpy_operation(inp: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """NOT on numpy-like vectors.""" return np.logical_not(inp)
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_torch_operation(inp: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """NOT on pytorch tensors.""" return torch.logical_not(inp)
[docs]class IMPLIES(AbstractIMPLIES, BoolTorchOrNumpyOperation): r"""Pixel-wise implication logical connective on binary masks and scalars. It is realized as the binary equivalent :math:`\left(a\rightarrow b\right) = \left((\neg a) \vee b\right)`."""
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_numpy_operation(inp_a: np.ndarray, inp_b: np.array) -> np.ndarray: """IMPLIES on two numpy-like tensors.""" return np.logical_or(np.logical_not(inp_a), inp_b)
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_torch_operation(inp_a: torch.Tensor, inp_b: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """IMPLIES on two torch tensors. The output device is the one of the first tensor.""" return torch.logical_or(torch.logical_not(inp_a), inp_b)
[docs]class IMPLIEDBY(AbstractIMPLIEDBY, BoolTorchOrNumpyOperation): r"""Goedel inverted logic IMPLIES connective. For details see :py:class:`IMPLIES`."""
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_torch_operation(inp_a: torch.Tensor, inp_b: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Inverted Goedel logical IMPLIES on tensors.""" return IMPLIES.bool_torch_operation(inp_b, inp_a)
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_numpy_operation(inp_a: np.ndarray, inp_b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Inverted Goedel logical IMPLIES on numpy arrays.""" return IMPLIES.bool_numpy_operation(inp_b, inp_a)
[docs]class BooleanLogic(BaseLogic): """Boolean logic and parser. For details and examples see the super-class. """ DEFAULT_CONNECTIVES: collections.OrderedDict = collections.OrderedDict( BaseLogic.DEFAULT_CONNECTIVES, **dict(AND=AND, OR=OR, NOT=NOT, IMPLIES=IMPLIES, IMPLIEDBY=IMPLIEDBY))
Logic = BooleanLogic """Alias for logic handle."""