Source code for hybrid_learning.datasets.data_visualization

#  Copyright (c) 2022 Continental Automotive GmbH
"""Helper functions for visualization and analysis of image datasets."""

import textwrap
from typing import Sequence, List, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union

import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageEnhance
import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision as tv
from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from import Subset, RandomSampler
from tqdm import tqdm

from .activations_handle import ActivationDatasetWrapper
from .base import BaseDataset

[docs]def to_img(tens: torch.Tensor) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Transform a (cuda) tensor to a :py:class:`PIL.Image.Image`.""" trafo = tv.transforms.ToPILImage() return trafo(tens.cpu())
[docs]def mean_proportion_pos_px(masks: Sequence[torch.Tensor]): """From the given samples, calculate the mean of the proportion of positive pixels per mask. Assuming mask to be binary. """ prop_per_mask: List[torch.Tensor] = [mask.sum() / mask.numel() for mask in masks] # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint: disable=not-callable prop: float = float(torch.sum(torch.tensor(prop_per_mask)) / len(masks)) # pylint: enable=no-member # pylint: enable=not-callable return prop
[docs]def visualize_mask_transforms( titled_datasets: Dict[str, ActivationDatasetWrapper], save_as: str = None, max_num_samples: int = 3) -> None: """Visualize difference between original and the transformed masks of datasets. Visualization results will be shown using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` functionality and are optionally saved to a file. :param titled_datasets: mapping of ``title`` to ``dataset`` to be visualized; datasets must have the attribute/property ``dataset`` holding the original dataset in same indexing order; the data contained in each dataset must be a sequence yielding tuples of ``(any, transformed mask)``; ``data.dataset`` must be a sequence yielding tuples of ``(original image, original mask)``; :param save_as: file path to save the image under using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.savefig`; not saved if ``None`` :param max_num_samples: the maximum number of samples to show for each ``dataset`` """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3 * max_num_samples * 2, 3 * len(titled_datasets))) axes = fig.subplots(len(titled_datasets), max_num_samples * 2, sharey='row', squeeze=False) fig.tight_layout(h_pad=2) for i, (row_title, data) in enumerate(titled_datasets.items()): axes[i, 0].set_ylabel(row_title) # Collect sample pics pics = [] for ax_idx in range(min(max_num_samples, len(data))): _, mask_t = data[ax_idx] # Train data is a Subset instance assert not isinstance(data, Subset), \ "'Subset' requires index adaption" img_t, orig_mask_t = data.dataset[ax_idx] img = to_img(img_t) # TODO: support visualization of stacked masks if not (isinstance(mask_t, torch.Tensor) and 2 <= len(mask_t.size()) <= 3): continue mask = to_img(mask_t).resize(img.size, resample=PIL.Image.BOX) if isinstance(orig_mask_t, torch.Tensor) and 2 <= len(orig_mask_t.size()) <= 3: orig_mask = to_img(orig_mask_t).resize(img.size, resample=PIL.Image.BOX) applied_masks = apply_mask(apply_mask(img, mask), orig_mask, alpha=0.4, color='yellow') pics.append(("Masked img {}; green=new, yellow=orig".format(ax_idx), applied_masks)) pics.append(("Mask {}".format(ax_idx), mask)) for ax_idx, (title, pic) in enumerate(pics): axes[i, ax_idx].set_title('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(title, 30))) axes[i, ax_idx].imshow(pic) if save_as is not None: plt.savefig(save_as, transparent=True)
[docs]def visualize_segmentation_data(dataset: BaseDataset, save_as: str = None, max_num_samples: int = 5, skip_none: bool = True, skip_empty: bool = True, shuffle: bool = False): """Visualize a dataset yielding tuples of the form ``(input, target_mask)``. Both ``input`` and ``target_mask`` must be images as :py:class:`torch.Tensor` of the same width and height. :param dataset: the dataset to visualize :param save_as: file path to save the image under using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.savefig`; not saved if ``None`` :param max_num_samples: the maximum number of samples to show for each ``dataset`` :param skip_none: whether to ignore when a None value in input or target is encountered :param skip_empty: whether to ignore samples with all-black target masks :param shuffle: whether to randomly select samples from the dataset """ num_samples = min(len(dataset), max_num_samples) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, num_samples, figsize=(4 * num_samples, 4 * 2), dpi=100, sharey='row', squeeze=False) fig.tight_layout(h_pad=2) # row titles axes[0, 0].set_ylabel("input") axes[1, 0].set_ylabel("target") # plot samples sampler: Iterable = RandomSampler(dataset) \ if shuffle else range(len(dataset)) num_selected_samples: int = 0 for i in sampler: img_t, mask_t = dataset[i] # possibly skip sample if skip_none and (img_t is None or mask_t is None): continue if skip_empty and mask_t.sum() == 0: continue img: PIL.Image.Image = to_img(img_t) inverted_mask: PIL.Image.Image = \ to_img(1 - mask_t).resize(img.size, resample=PIL.Image.BOX) applied_mask: PIL.Image.Image = \ apply_mask(img, inverted_mask, alpha=1, color='black') axes[0][num_selected_samples].imshow(img) axes[1][num_selected_samples].imshow(applied_mask) num_selected_samples += 1 if num_selected_samples == num_samples: break if save_as is not None: plt.savefig(save_as, transparent=True)
[docs]def visualize_classification_data(dataset: BaseDataset, save_as: str = None, max_num_samples: int = 5, skip_none: bool = True, shuffle: bool = False): """Visualize a dataset yielding tuples of the form ``(input, target_class_identifier)``. The ``input`` must be an image as :py:class:`torch.Tensor`. :param dataset: the dataset to visualize :param save_as: file path to save the image under using :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.savefig`; not saved if ``None`` :param max_num_samples: the maximum number of samples to show for each ``dataset`` :param skip_none: whether to ignore samples where a None value in input or target is encountered :param shuffle: whether to randomly select samples from the dataset """ num_samples = min(len(dataset), max_num_samples) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_samples, figsize=(4 * num_samples, 4), dpi=100, sharey='row') fig.tight_layout(h_pad=2) # plot samples sampler: Iterable = RandomSampler(dataset) \ if shuffle else range(len(dataset)) num_selected_samples: int = 0 for i in sampler: img_t, ann = dataset[i] # possibly skip sample if skip_none and (img_t is None or ann is None): continue axes[num_selected_samples].imshow(to_img(img_t)) axes[num_selected_samples].set_title( '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(str(ann), 45))) num_selected_samples += 1 if num_selected_samples == num_samples: break if save_as is not None: plt.savefig(save_as, transparent=True)
[docs]def neg_pixel_prop(data, max_num_samples: Optional[int] = 10, show_progress_bar: bool = False) -> float: """Collect the mean proportion of negative pixels in the binary segmentation mask data. The proportion is estimated from the first ``max_num_samples`` samples in the dataset. Set the value to ``None`` to take into account all samples in the dataset. :param data: a :py:class:`typing.Sequence` that yields tuples of input (arbitrary) and masks (as :py:class:`torch.Tensor`). :param max_num_samples: the maximum number of samples to take into account for the estimation :param show_progress_bar: whether to show a progress bar for loading the masks :return: the proportion of negative pixels in all (resp. the first ``num_samples``) binary segmentation masks contained in the given data """ num_samples: int = len(data) if max_num_samples is None else \ min(len(data), max_num_samples) iterator = range(num_samples) if show_progress_bar: iterator = tqdm(iterator, desc="Masks loaded") masks = [] for i in iterator: masks.append(data[i][1]) return 1 - mean_proportion_pos_px(masks)
[docs]def apply_mask(img: PIL.Image.Image, mask: PIL.Image.Image, color: str = 'green', alpha: float = 0.8) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Apply monochrome (possibly non-binary) mask to image of same size with alpha value. The positive parts of the mask are colored in color and added to the image. :param img: image :param mask: mask (mode ``'L'`` or ``'1'``) :param color: color to use for masked regions as argument to :param alpha: alpha value in ``[0,1]`` to darken mask: :0: black, :<1: darken, :1: original :return: ``RGB`` :py:class:`PIL.Image.Image` with mask applied """ if alpha < 0: raise ValueError(("Alpha value {} is invalid for darkening" "(must be in [0,1])".format(alpha))) if alpha > 1: raise ValueError(("Alpha value {} is invalid for darkening (must be in " "[0,1]): Would brighten black areas").format(alpha)) if mask.size != img.size: raise ValueError("Mask size {} and image size {} do not match." .format(mask.size, img.size)) # The background for mixing base_background: PIL.Image.Image ='RGB', size=mask.size, color=color) # Make sure mask has mode 'L': mask_l = mask.convert('L') # Apply alpha enh: PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness = PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness(mask_l) mask_l = enh.enhance(alpha) applied_mask: PIL.Image.Image = PIL.Image.composite(base_background, img, mask_l) return applied_mask
[docs]def apply_masks(img: PIL.Image.Image, masks: Sequence[Union[torch.Tensor, PIL.Image.Image]], colors: Sequence[str] = ('blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'cyan'), alphas: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.8) -> PIL.Image.Image: if not isinstance(alphas, alphas = [alphas] * len(masks) assert len(colors) >= len(masks) assert len(alphas) == len(masks) masks = _to_pil_masks(*masks) for color, alpha, mask in zip(colors, alphas, masks): img = apply_mask(img, mask, color=color, alpha=alpha) return img
[docs]def to_monochrome_img(img_t: torch.Tensor) -> PIL.Image.Image: """:py:class:`torch.Tensor` to monochrome :py:class:`PIL.Image.Image` in ``'L'`` (=8-bit) mode. :param img_t: monochrome image as tensor of size ``[height, width]`` :return: resized and darkened image of ``mode='L'`` """ img_t_denormalized = (img_t * 255).int() img = tv.transforms.ToPILImage()(img_t_denormalized).convert('L') return img
[docs]def compare_masks(*masks: Union[torch.Tensor, PIL.Image.Image], colors: Sequence[str] = ('blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'cyan')) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Merge several monochrome masks in different colors into the same image. :param masks: monochrome PIL images (model ``'L'`` or ``'1'``), ``RGB`` mode PIL images, or torch tensors; torch tensors are converted to ``'L'`` mode PIL images :return: image with bright part of each mask in corresponding color """ assert len(colors) >= len(masks) colors: Iterable[str] = iter(colors) pil_masks: Sequence[PIL.Image.Image] = _to_pil_masks(*masks) colored_masks: List[PIL.Image.Image] = [ apply_mask(, mode='RGB'), mask, alpha=1, color=next(colors)) if mask.mode != 'RGB' else mask for mask in pil_masks] # noinspection PyTypeChecker mask_comparison = PIL.Image.fromarray( np.clip(np.sum([np.array(mask) for mask in colored_masks], axis=0), a_min=0, a_max=255).astype(np.uint8), mode='RGB') return mask_comparison
def _to_pil_masks(*masks: Union[torch.Tensor, PIL.Image.Image]) -> Tuple[PIL.Image.Image, ...]: assert len(masks) > 0 for mask in [m for m in masks if isinstance(m, torch.Tensor)]: assert len(mask.size()) == 2 or (len(mask.size()) == 3 and mask.size()[0] == 1), \ "Encountered mask tensor with more than one channel of shape {}".format(mask.shape) pil_masks: List[PIL.Image.Image] = [ mask if isinstance(mask, PIL.Image.Image) else to_pil_image(mask, mode='L') for mask in masks] # region Quick sizes check for idx, mask in enumerate(pil_masks): if not mask.size == pil_masks[0].size: raise ValueError(("Mask at index {} has size {} (w x h), which differs from" " mask at index 0 of size {} (w x h)" ).format(idx, mask.size, masks[0].size)) # endregion return pil_masks