Source code for hybrid_learning.datasets.custom.coco.heatmap_dataset

"""Handle that derives keypoint heatmaps from MS COCO keypoint annotations."""
#  Copyright (c) 2022 Continental Automotive GmbH
from typing import Tuple, Callable, Optional, Union

import PIL.Image
import torch

from .keypoints_processing import annotations_to_heatmap
from .mask_dataset import ConceptDataset
from ... import transforms as trafos

[docs]class HeatmapDataset(ConceptDataset): """Data handle for ground truth heatmaps of centroids of visual concepts (body parts) generated from COCO keypoints. Works the same as the :py:class:`hybrid_learning.datasets.custom.coco.mask_dataset.ConceptDataset` only with different :py:attr:`MASKS_ROOT_ROOT` and different :py:meth:`~hybrid_learning.datasets.custom.coco.mask_dataset.ConceptDataset.annotations_to_mask` method. See there for details on how the centroid heatmaps look like. """ MASKS_ROOT_ROOT = "kpt_heatmaps" """Usual parent to all heatmap folders for all body parts; sibling to ``images`` folder"""
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_transforms(cls, img_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, mask_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, device: Union[str, torch.device] = None, ) -> Callable[[PIL.Image.Image, PIL.Image.Image], Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: """Default transformation that pads and resizes both images and masks, and binarizes the masks.""" # noinspection PyTypeChecker trafo: trafos.Compose = super().get_default_transforms( img_size=img_size, mask_size=mask_size, device=device) # The super method adds binarizing as a last transformation -> remove it assert trafo.transforms.pop(-1) == trafos.OnTarget(trafos.Binarize()) # noinspection PyTypeChecker return trafo
ANNOTATION_TRANSFORM: Callable = annotations_to_heatmap # pylint: disable=line-too-long """Callable used to transform a list of annotations into a heatmap mask. Create a heatmap of all body parts given by keypoints in the ``annotations``. .. warning:: Currently, all keypoints occurring in the body parts are treated separately! Centroids of body parts consisting of more than one keypoint are not supported yet. For details see :py:func:`~hybrid_learning.datasets.custom.coco.keypoints_processing.annotations_to_heatmap`. """
# pylint: enable=line-too-long